Interesting Yotube and little update

I don’t know if I wrote this before, but I lost 4.5 kgs in 4 weeks. I will see how it looks when I meet my nutritionist mid November.

But also interesting youtube episode:

For him processed food seems to be a main reason for the problems we have with heart disease now.

waist, blood pressure, sugar glucose, chelesterole (not LDL, HDL, triglicerate)

He is pro animal food (=meat), goes against the zeitgeist at the moment, essential for human health

According to him eating vegan is better than eating processed food, is an improvement to the standard American diet. It’s not optimal. Over the long run you have to supplements.

Exercise: Doing just the gym is not enough. Activity through the day. Building muscle is very important (don’t I do that in the gym?) Cardio is not good for losing weight or fat loss. Science is pretty clear on that. Cardio is important but not for losing weight.

Number 1: after Cardio get hungry, eat more

Number 2: ??

So lifting weight could help -> more muscles ??

Living older the more important it is to keep my muscles.

So actually it’s something we know 90/10(?) eating/excercise for losing weight – not in podcast. Just a reminder for me.

Sleeping is very important (“Why do we sleep”, there is also an episode on the author of this book) – reminder from me to me. “In order to be metabolic healthy you need to have good sleep”, poor sleep no metabolic health (sleep apnea)

Big Food (companies) are trying to buy as much food as possible.

Our grand parents ate 2 times maybe 3 times a day. avg today is 8 times a day. The harm: our body does never get the point to burn the food up (true?)

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